FUTA Convocation Announcement Rules and Fees for Graduating Students

The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) has issued a notice to all graduating students regarding the upcoming convocation ceremony.
Graduating students must take part in the academic procession dressed in the designated academic gowns. Academic gowns will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis upon payment of the necessary fees. Students are required to pay for customized scrolls, official items, and an electronic copy of the Order of Proceedings.
Ph.D. graduating students are required to obtain designated academic gowns from the School of Postgraduate Studies.
All graduating students must arrive at the robing venue at the car park of the Obafemi Awolowo Auditorium by 8.00 a.m. The procession for graduating students will start at 8.30 a.m. Students who are not fully robed will not be allowed to take part in the procession. Joining the procession midway will not be permitted.
During the ceremony, students will not be allowed to enter or leave the venue.
Graduating students should reach out to their school officials for details regarding the fee schedule, payment methods, invitation cards, and other important instructions.
The management extends congratulations to all graduating students and wishes them a safe journey to and from Akure, Ondo State.