The Urgent Need to Reinforce Technical Drawing in Schools for Future Engineers and Technologists

Technical Drawing (Engineering Drawing) is a very important subject for students who want to study Engineering in Universities and Polytechnics.

Unfortunately, in Secondary Schools, the subject is not given as much attention as is necessary. Technical Drawing is a mandatory subject in Technical Colleges (although some principals and school administrators are trying to make it optional).

This post is a passionate appeal to the relevant authorities  to bridge this gap as a matter of urgency by deploying Master Technical Drawing Teachers in all Technical Colleges and Secondary Schools in the State (even if it is on a part time basis).

Many engineering students have difficulty while studying because they have little or no prior knowledge of Technical Drawing.

When I was accepted to study Electrical Engineering in Federal Polytechnic Oko, it took me two weeks of daily practice to master the basics of drafting, even though I was already good at drawing.

We need to return to the past when it was not possible to gain admission into a Technical College without  complete drafting equipment, including:
✓ Drawing board
✓ Drawing set (Engineering Set)
✓ T – Square
✓ Set Square
✓ French Curve
✓ Drawing sheet (A3)
✓ Eraser
✓ Pencil (H, HB, 2H, 4H)

If we want to raise future Engineers and Technologists who are competent in the field, we need to pay attention to Technical Drawing (and Basic Technology for Junior classes).